Mental Toughness Assessment

On a sliding scale, select your response to each of the following statements with Never being on the far left and Always on the far right. I urge you to be completely honest with your self-assessment so that you can make adjustments where you will get the most benefit.

Assessment Statements

1. I usually keep my emotions to myself
Never Always

2. I am satisfied with the relationships I have with my friends
Never Always

3. I have someone to talk to when I am down
Never Always

4. I am in touch with deep beliefs and core values
Never Always

5. I have the ability to stay calm during adversity or challenge
Never Always

6. I have a knack for getting people to cooperate
Never Always

7. My life has meaning
Never Always

8. People come to me for advice
Never Always

9. I have a high degree of confidence in myself
Never Always

10. I usually make decisions without talking to others
Never Always

11. Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad
Never Always

12. I never let failure deter me from my goals
Never Always

13. I make a worthwhile contribution to society
Never Always

14. I can shut down counterproductive thinking to focus on the task at hand
Never Always

15. I can adapt to challenges that come my way
Never Always

16. When I make a mistake, I want to learn from it
Never Always

17. When things go wrong, I don’t blame others
Never Always

18. Challenges bring out the best in me
Never Always

19. I don’t give up when under pressure
Never Always

20. I intentionally look for good things that happen in my day
Never Always

21. I map out steps needed to achieve my goals
Never Always

22. I identify and correct patterns of behavior
Never Always

23. I accurately identify what causes problems and create solutions
Never Always

24. I can generally cope with any situation
Never Always

25. I can usually adapt to sudden change

26. I look forward to changes in my routine
Never Always

27. I don’t mind working outside my comfort zone
Never Always

28. I will risk uncertainty if it will take me closer to my goal
Never Always

29. I rarely feel defeated by obstacles and roadblocks
Never Always

30. I give 100% to the jobs I undertake
Never Always